About Ortodont

Če ima vaš otrok napotnico za ortodonta, ima kot državljan Evropske unije (ki je mlajši od sixteen let) pravico do zdravljenja čez mejo in povračila stroškov, saj so v Sloveniji čakalne dobe višje od dopustnih.

Pri OrthoDentalu smo zavezani, da vam zagotovimo strokovno podporo in vrhunsko zdravljenje, prilagojeno vašim potrebam. Obiščite nas na eni od naših lokacij in si zagotovite najboljšo ortodontsko oskrbo, ki si jo zaslužite.

[3][4] The main reason to the prevalence of such malocclusions is diets with considerably less fresh new fruit and veggies and General softer foods in childhood, resulting in smaller sized jaws with considerably less area for that tooth to erupt.[five] Cure might demand various months to your number of years and involves applying dental braces as well as other appliances to progressively alter tooth placement and jaw alignment. In circumstances in which the malocclusion is significant, jaw surgical procedures could possibly be incorporated into your cure system. Treatment method normally begins right before someone reaches adulthood, insofar as pre-adult bones may be modified much more easily in advance of adulthood.

Sodelovanje z drugimi zdravstvenimi strokovnjaki, kot so oralni kirurgi in pediatrični zobozdravniki, za celostno obravnavo pacientov

Ne vem, kam smo prišli, ampak k sreči so nam na HelpMed zrihtali termin takoj, in ne pri nekih drugorazrednih zdravnikih, ampak pri enih od najboljših, nimam kaj rečt, Tremendous ji rihtajo zobe.

While in the late 1800s, the strategy of occlusion was important for building reliable prosthetic replacement tooth. This idea was further refined and finally used in a variety of strategies when working with balanced dental constructions at the same time. As these concepts of prosthetic occlusion progressed, it became an invaluable Software for dentistry.[six]

Ganditi-va la functionalitatea arcadelor dentare ca la un fermoar: daca dintii fermoarului se intrepatrund in mod corect acesta poate functiona bine si va avea durabilitate, la fel se Intampla si cu dintii dumneavoastra.

Orthodontic headgear, at times referred to as an "more-oral appliance", is usually a treatment method method that requires the client to possess a system strapped on to their head to assist accurate malocclusion—usually utilized if the teeth tend not to align properly. Headgear is most often applied in addition to braces or other orthodontic appliances.

De asemenea, se recomandă ca toți copiii să fie evaluați de un ortodont înainte de vârsta de 7 ani pentru a vedea dacă va fi nevoie de aparat dentar. Dacă sunteți un adult și suspectați că aveți o linie a maxilarului strâmbă sau dinți care trebuie aliniați, ați putea lua în considerare posibilitatea de a sări peste dentist și de a merge direct la ortodont. Nu toate îngrijirile ortodontice vor fi acoperite de asigurare, chiar dacă aveți asigurare stomatologică. 

Nakon završene specijalizacije, svaki specijalist ortodont ima znanje potrebno za liječenje svih oblika i intenziteta ortodontskih anomalija.

Temeljit pogovor Ortodont pridobi čim več podatkov o splošnem zdravju, prehranjevalnih in ustno-higieničnih navadah ter preteklih zobozdravstvenih problemih vašega otroka.

Soon after orthodontic treatment has long been accomplished, There's an inclination for enamel to return, or relapse, again to their pre-remedy positions. Around 50% of sufferers have some reversion to pre-therapy positions inside of 10 years following therapy.

Brez omejitev pri prehrani – Ker se aparat odstrani med obroki, ni omejitev glede hrane, ki jo lahko uživate.

Pomembno je poudariti, da je vsak pacient edinstven in da se čas zdravljenja lahko razlikuje od osebe do osebe. Najboljše je, da se za natančnejšo oceno posvetujete z ortodontom, ki bo Protetica lahko na podlagi vašega specifičnega primera ocenil predvideno trajanje zdravljenja.

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